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《魔偶马戏团》是由西村聪执导,植田千寻,小山力也,林原惠美,樱井孝宏,佐佐木望,黑泽朋世,井上麻里奈,江川央生,岩崎諒太,石川界人,田中正彦,大塚明夫,朴璐美,中田让治,悠木碧,大友龙三郎,福山润,宝龟克寿,南条爱乃,佐仓绫音,滨田贤二,小上裕通,关智一,古川登志夫,三宅健太,佐藤健辅,陶山章央,金井美香,神谷浩史主演的题材日韩动漫,于2018年在日本上映。The protagonist, Masaru, has just inherited a big fortune after the death of his father. However, people are trying to get their hands on it by any means necessary, even if it means killing him. Narumi helps Masaru from being kidnapped after fighting strange figures. He finds out that they're not humans, but wooden puppets with amazing strength. After a hard fight, Narumi is forced to admit that he's no opponent for them; and just when he starts to think that Masaru will be captured, Shirogane, Masaru's watcher arrives from France with a weapon, the puppet Arlequin. Here begins the story of Karakuri Circus.《魔偶马戏团》全集完整版免费在线观看,好看动漫网站还支持手机在线观看,欢迎大家把网址推荐分享给身边的好友谢谢!
